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Fatal Labyrinth,  Игра для Сега (Sega Game) MD

Fatal Labyrinth, Игра для Сега (Sega Game) MD

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Fatal Labyrinth

Игра для приставок Sega 16 бит

с контактным соединением 62 пина

Платформа: Sega Megadrive/Sega Genesis

Разработчик: Sega Corporation

Издатель: Sega Corporation

Жанр: Platformer

Год выпуска: 1990

Количество игроков: 1 (Single-player)

Управление:  Джойстик

Язык игры: Английский (English)

Комплектация: Картридж+ Бокс

Вес: 95 гр.

Слот под батарейку: Не предусмотрен

Страна производитель: Китай (China)

Самовывоздоставка, почтовая отправка

 International shipping worldwide!

The player controls an undistinguished hero who has agreed to enter a forbidden labyrinth, battle various monsters, and make their way up to the 30th floor where an evil dragon guards a stolen Holy Goblet. The hero can walk around town and talk to villagers for advice before entering the labyrinth.

Upon defeating the dragon and reclaiming the Goblet, the player flies back to the village to speak to the inhabitants, who offer praise and congratulations for the hero's efforts.

On each level of the labyrinth, weapons, armor, magic rings, and other items are found, which can be equipped or thrown. Melee weapons include axes, swords and polearms (although the length of the weapon determines its characteristics).

Short weapons (axes, short swords) are more powerful, but less accurate while longer weapons (broadswords, polearms) usually hit for less damage, but are more accurate. Bows and shurikens are included for projectile combat.

Body armor, helmets and shields can also be found. The effects of magic rings vary from powering-up the hero to using them as magical throwing projectiles.


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